The newest addition of the sing series shows off its absurd level of animation with a sub-par plot and brings a violent and dark nature to the lighthearted kids movie
Sing 2 is the newest addition to the illumination brand and oh boy, it brought the big guns to the table. I'll open by stating that Sing 2 has the best animation I have ever seen in any movie. Hands down. that being said, while it is easy to get distracted by the pretty lights, it has a few things that should be addressed.
The movie is filled with a plethora of popular hip hop references from the old classic "Girl on fire" released in 2012 by Alicia Keys to the easily identifiable "Bad Guy" reference by one Billie Eilish. The music overall was phenomenal and holds its own against the currently infectious music of Disney's "Encanto", I know I for one am tired of hearing about Bruno, and left me with a satisfying feeling when I left the theatre. The genres of the songs were all fairly modern hip hop which is to be expected as most kids wouldn't understand any older music references. The final musical number was brilliant and was extremely well written with a multitude of diverse and unique situations such as two warriors having a dance battle to an alien turning dark worm like creatures happy with only a touch all of which had wonderfully written scores. Overall I have no complaints with the music other than my own personal wish that they had included a bigger diversity in music similar to the original sing.
The plot of the movie was sadly not on the same level as the absolute majesty of the animation and the finesse of the music. Sing 2 hit the ground running as the opening scene is a clear reference to "Alice in wonderland" and introduces the majority of the characters in their main elements of singing and dancing and is how they will mainly be interacted with throughout the story. It follows a very linear trail for most of the movie until about halfway through when the main antagonist jokingly threatens to toss Mr. Moon of a building, a threat he later makes good on, and is seen even attempting to murder Mr. Moon after holding him hostage. I was taken aback by how quickly a kids movie brought an actual murder situation in the plot after seeing the silliness of a lion defend his home with a paintball gun. There were also elements of neglect and abuse apparent in how Jimmy Crystal, the main antagonist, treats his daughter which was odd for such an innocent kids movie. Overall the plot seemed to move a tad quickly which left little time for any real side plot to take hold and was filled with unexpected violence.
I know I've mentioned the animation of Sing 2 a few times already but I cannot stress enough exactly how astounding the detail and color of this movies animation. The main theme of the musical being performed by the main characters is space and by golly do the animators take advantage of this environment, the stars and galaxies and planets are so lush with color and texture than I almost could feel the weightlessness of space surrounding me as I watched the movie. If one looks close enough you can even see the individual hairs on each character and the fabric of their clothes. The chorography was stunning and was akin to how actual people move from the swaying of hips and shoulders to the gentle flowing of hair in the wind. Overall everything visually related was absolutely stunning and I would recommend seeing Sing 2 if only for the animation.
I think Sing 2 is a movie made mostly for kids, as there is little adult humor to be found, that follows a very liner and easy to grasp plot that provides a great musical score and glowing animation. While I am a bit of a snob on the plot there isn't much to critique due to kids movies not being too plot heavy to begin with. Overall it was a good watch that I would highly recommend for families with kids to go see as the kids would eat it up. If the first sing movie was up your alley this one absolutely will be.
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